Your Support Makes the Difference for People and Places in the San Luis Valley.
There are a variety of ways to join with RiGHT and support our conservation efforts in the San Luis Valley. RiGHT encourages supporters to discuss these and other giving options with a qualified financial and legal advisor prior to donating to our organization in order to receive the maximum personal benefit from their charitable contributions.
The Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust depends on generous individuals who donate all year long by personal cash, check, credit card, donor advised fund or charitable gift account. You can make an on-line donation here using your credit card.
We also hold special appeals at various times of the year when some of our funders will match financial gifts made by others up to a certain amount. Let us know here if you would like to provide matching funds for a special appeal. Matching gifts help increase the amount of money RiGHT may receive from individual donations, sometimes up to double or more of what might be received if the match gift had not been made.
Some supporters of RiGHT use their IRA (Individual Retirement Account) to send money directly to us without having to pay income taxes on dividends or other income. Other donors gift RiGHT with stock and take a tax deduction for the full fair market value of that gift. Others with appreciated assets might benefit from setting up a charitable remainder trust that gifts money to RiGHT. Legal restrictions and limitations apply on all of these charitable tools.
Some supporters want to help ensure RiGHT can continue its work far into the future, even after their own passing. One way to do this is through use of a will or living trust, naming RiGHT as a beneficiary and designating a specific amount or percentage of the estate to go to RiGHT. We invite you to consider joining RiGHT’s Legacy Circle.
As a land trust who deals in real estate transactions, RiGHT typically welcomes outright gifts of land which may help the donor avoid capital gains taxes, free up cash and reduce income taxes. Should the property contain significant conservation values, it is likely that RiGHT would work with another land trust to place a conservation easement on the land. RiGHT may then maintain ownership or choose to sell it depending upon circumstances. This legacy giving option requires significant dialogue between the donor and RiGHT in order to ensure both donor and RiGHT objectives are met.
Let RiGHT know here if you would like to discuss further these or other Legacy Giving options!
A group of students participates in La Garita Conservation Day, learn more about our programs here!